Communication is Key – Talking to Your Tenants About COVID-19

Following the March 19th, 2020 announcement that British Columbia was entering a State of Emergency due to the ongoing COVID-19 Crisis, legislative changes, as well as federal and provincial government support programs were rolled out to assist people facing...

Now is the Time for Action!

Join as a Member with LandlordBC Today. LandlordBC has been working tirelessly to deliver information to owners and managers of rental housing to support and guide you and your business through the COVID-19 crisis. Whether it be to inform you on ways to adapt your busi...

The BC Temporary Rental Supplement: Top 5 Questions

The BC Temporary Rental Supplement (BC-TRS) was launched earlier this month. The program is administered by BC Housing and they have also provided several robust resources including Landlord and Tenant factsheets. We have received many questions on this new supplement and...