Residential Tenancy Branch to Record Hearings

Advocacy is sometimes a long game. For years LandlordBC has pushed for more oversight of the Residential Tenancy Branch’s (RTB) Dispute Resolution hearings through the recording of hearings. These efforts go back to our initial involvement as part of the RTB’s stakeholder...

Running in the 2022 Municipal Election? Please Read This

In 2018, in the weeks leading up to the municipal elections that year, LLBC released a paper entitled “The Only Long-Term Solution to the Rental Housing Crisis”.  With the impending municipal elections in October of this year, we’ve decided to re-publish the article witho...

BAP Needs to Focus on Protecting People, Not Buildings

There’s been recent media attention given to Vancouver’s Broadway Area Plan (BAP) in the context of proposed tenant protections and the suggestion that "the builders" will pay for these protections. LandlordBC endorses the notion of renter supports, but the economics of r...

UBCM Shenanigans

By Jens Von Bergmann and Nathan Lauster The Federal, Provincial, and Municipal governance structure in Canada creates a fun pattern whereby all governments are happy to take credit for good things that happen, but when bad things happen, each tends to point the finger ...