Introducing Rainwater Rewards

Media Release

Date:  Friday, May 1, 2015

For Immediate Release

VICTORIA, BC —  Rain gardens, rain barrels, cisterns, green roofs and permeable paving are examples of rainwater management methods that could qualify property owners for financial incentives under the new Rainwater Rewards program.

As part of the new stormwater utility that will begin in 2016, property owners who want to manage rainwater sustainably can now apply for rebates and/or credits, depending on their property type. This May all property owners will receive an information package in the mail.  It will include a Rainwater Rewards brochure and a stormwater utility assessment notice with estimates for the stormwater utility bills that will arrive in the fall of 2016.

In May, property owners will also receive their 2015 property tax notice.  This is the last year Victoria property owners will pay for stormwater entirely through their property taxes. In 2016, stormwater fees relating to their property will be removed from property tax bills. Only a small portion of these fees, relating to City rights of way and roads, will remain on the tax bill.  In the fall of 2016 property owners will receive their first stormwater utility bill. The City’s stormwater budget remains the same when moving from property taxes to a utility system.

The stormwater utility and the Rainwater Rewards program have been closely informed by what was heard during the community engagement program. There are two versions of the Rainwater Rewards programs, depending on the property type.

For low density residential properties with 1-4 units, the City is offering rebates of between $35 and $1,500 to assist with the upfront cost of installing rainwater management methods and an ongoing 10% credit off the annual stormwater utility bill.  Approved rainwater management methods include: rain barrels, cisterns, rain gardens, infiltration chambers, permeable paving and bioswales. DIY Rainwater Management Standards have been developed for all of the options, with the exception of bioswales which must be completed by a professional.

For apartments, condominiums, institutions and businesses ongoing credits of between 2.5% and 50% off the annual stormwater utility bill can be applied for.  Approved rainwater management methods include: cisterns, rain gardens, infiltration chambers, permeable paving, bioswales, green roofs.  Businesses and institutions also have an educational credit option.  All rainwater management methods for these property types must be done by a professional.

Property owners are invited to the following “Ask an Expert” sessions to learn more about Rainwater Rewards:

  • Victoria City Hall, Wednesday, May 20, 3 p.m. – 7 p.m.
  • Victoria Public Market, Saturday, June 20, noon – 4 p.m.
  • Fisherman’s Wharf Park, Saturday July 11, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Further information is available at

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For More Information:

Ed Robertson
Assistant Director of Public Works
City of Victoria
Cellular: 250.217.3030