Metro Vancouver Drinking Water Conservation Plan – Annual Watering Restrictions

Stage 1 watering restrictions came into effect on May 1, 2021, as set out in Metro Vancouver’s Drinking Water Conservation Plan. The plan outlines restrictions to lawn watering as well as other outdoor water uses. These restrictions are essential to managing our treated drinking water during the summer period, when it is most likely to be used for discretionary purposes other than cooking, cleaning, and drinking.

Adhering to these restrictions helps to conserve water, ensuring that our drinking water lasts throughout the summer to be used where it is needed most.

Under Stage 1

Lawn watering is permitted two mornings per week:
Residential Addresses:

  • Even-numbered civic addresses: Wednesdays and Saturdays, 4am – 9am
  • Odd-numbered civic addresses: Thursdays and Sundays, 4am – 9am

Non-Residential Addresses:

  • Even-numbered civic addresses: Mondays 1am – 6am and Fridays 4am – 9am
  • Odd-numbered civic addresses: Tuesdays 1am – 6am and Fridays 4am – 9am

Watering soil-based and sand-based playing fields is permitted as follows:

  • Overnight from 7pm – 9am, except if:
    • Watering newly over-seeded fields if in compliance with a local government permit
    • Operating under an approved local government water management plan

Watering of trees, shrubs, and flowers, excluding edible plants, is permitted as follows:
Residential Addresses:

  • Any day from 4am – 9am if using a sprinkler
  • Any day at any time if using a handheld hose, soaker hose, water container, or drip irrigation

Non-Residential Addresses:

  • Any day 1am – 9am if using a sprinkler
  • Any day at any time if using a handheld hose, soaker hose, water container, or drip irrigation

In cases of mixed zoning, where commercial or industrial uses on the same property as residential, the property is designated as “Non-Residential.”

More Information & Water Conservation Resources: