News Release: CFAA elects new corporate officers
News Release June 14, 2016
CFAA elects new corporate officers
- At CFAA’s Annual General Meeting the officers elected were:
- Scott Andison, FRPO, as Co-Chair
- David Hutniak, LandlordBC, as Co-Chair
- Erin Cleveland, Killam REIT, as Treasurer
- Jay Gaudreau, Manufactured Home Park Owners Alliance of BC, as Chair of the Membership, Finance and Fundraising Committee
Daryl Chong, CEO of the Greater Toronto Apartment Association, remains the Chair of the
Government Relations and Communications Committee.
CFAA represents the owners and managers of close to one million rental units from coast to coast
across Canada, through 11 apartment associations and direct landlord memberships.
CFAA and our members believe that a healthy rental market contributes greatly to Canada’s national
well-being and economic prosperity. We believe that the policies we advocate will benefit landlords,
tenants and taxpayers.
Rental development
For close to four decades very little purpose-built rental development has taken place, especially when
compared to the rate of growth of population and households. Now, some new purpose-built rental
development is taking place in markets such as Halifax, Ottawa, London, Winnipeg, Regina and
Calgary. However, more purpose-built rental units are still needed in Toronto, Vancouver and other
areas, and rental development is very slow compared with population growth.
Newly elected CFAA Co-Chair David Hutniak (who is also CEO of LandlordBC) says, “We are glad the
City of Vancouver is making rental development somewhat more attractive through density bonusing
under the Rental 100 program. However, more needs to be done to make private rental development
Scott Andison is the CEO of the Federation of Rental- housing Providers of Ontario (FRPO), and the
other newly-elected CFAA Co-Chair. He says, “What is clear is that the government policies of the
past have not helped to create more rental housing and choice for tenants – in fact it has done the
opposite. When governments stimulate private investment with stable, affording housing policies,
more rental housing gets built, and tenants have more choices of affordable homes. Simply put—More
rental housing means more affordable housing.”
CFAA President John Dickie adds, “What is really needed to produce ample rental development is the
rollback of some of the tax increases that governments have applied to rental housing over the last
four decades, so that government policy is more even-handed between ownership and rental tenure.”
For more information contact:
John Dickie at 613-235-0101
Scott Andison at 416-385-1100 x20
David Hutniak at 604-733-9440 x202
See the full release here