2018 Maximum Allowable Rent Increase

The standard rent increase process outlined in the Residential Tenancy Act and Regulations allows landlords to increase their existing tenants rent once a year at a prescribed percentage. There are three things you must understand before increasing a tenant’s rent, they i...

Making CRB Your ‘To Do’ List

We live in a fast paced world. Our lives keep us busy at work and at home, and keeping on top of everything can be a challenge.  At home we think to ourselves, “I’ve got to organize my storage closets”, “I better get my paperwork in order for tax season”, or “I wish I had...

Membership Matters

To join right now click here! Congratulations, you’re a landlord! With the purchase of your rental property, an investment condo, mortgage helper, or a multiunit residential building, you are now responsible for the well-being of your new property and tenants. Another wa...

Guest Blog: Buying a condo– and inheriting a tenant

By Oscar Miklos Are you buying a condo, where a tenant currently resides? Residential tenancies are ongoing and often long-term relationships between a landlord and their tenant. So, what happens when a new owner comes in? Upon purchasing a property, the rule of thu...