Media Release: Quarantine Conflict Resolution Service

Sheltering in Place Can Lead to Neighbour and Roommate Conflicts New Quarantine Conflict Resolution Service (QCRS) offers services to help with COVID-19 conflict FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE VANCOUVER, APRIL 8, 2020 With BC residents sheltering in place, new challenges a...

CEO David Hutniak on #BCPoliTalk Podcast

How has COVID-19 impacted landlords and renters in British Columbia? CEO David Hutniak spoke with #BCPoliTalk about what can be expected in the weeks or months to come. Listen now to LandlordBC CEO David Hutniak speak with Bill Tieleman and Daniel Fontaine.  

Top 10 Questions: Residential Tenancies and COVID-19

We have received many questions over the past few weeks and as more information has become available, we have been able to provide clearer answers. Here are the top 10 questions on residential tenancies and COVID-19. Does my tenant need to pay rent? Yes, tenants m...

COVID-19 and Your Rental Unit: Webinar & Slides

We are in uncertain times and having access to up to date and relevant information is critical in managing your rental housing business. In this webinar Hunter Boucher, Director of Operations presented on the changes that have curred over the past week within the rental h...