Follow-Up: Residential Rental Tenure Zoning

On July 3, 3019 LandlordBC CEO David Hutniak sent a letter to City of Victoria Mayor and Council regarding a staff report entitled Residential Rental Tenure Zoning.  In this follow-up letter of July 10, 2019 he provides recommendations on how the City of Victoria can posi...

Aarti Investments Ltd. v. Baumann Court of Appeal Decision

An important outcome for residential landlords Recently, reasons for judgment in the case of Aarti Investments Ltd. v. Baumann were released by the Court of Appeal. This case provided the Court of Appeal with a rare opportunity to clarify section 49(6) of the Residentia...

2019 Property Taxation: Distribution of Property Tax Levy

Below is a letter CEO David Hutniak sent to City of Vancouver Mayor, Kennedy Stewart and the City Council on April 25th. We encourage all rental housing providers to write Mayor Stewart and Council requesting that they accept City of Vancouver Staff's recommendation NOT t...

Fixed Term Tenancies and Notices to End Tenancy

A recent B.C. Court of Appeal ruling highlighted an issue that, while rare, can cause significant problems and disputes for landlords and tenants. The issue at the heart of this ruling was a confusion of the rules surrounding a fixed term tenancy and the two-month notice,...