The story of how Vancouver lost its affordability … and its mind

The Vancouver Sun Vancouver is ridiculously expensive, we know this, but how did it get this way? That’s the question the data crunchers at Visual Capitalist, a financial media company, attempt to answer in their Real Estate Mania infographic: The story of how V...

B.C. business leaders call for residential real estate data

JOANNE LEE-YOUNG, Vancouver Sun B.C. business leaders are joining the chorus of voices calling for more granular residential real estate data. The provincial government stated in its last budget that it would track the citizenship and residency of owners who are...

Vancouver may be cracking down on illegal Airbnb listings

By Nadia Stewart, Videojournalist, Global News It seems the city of Vancouver might finally be cracking down on the growing number of illegal Airbnb listings. This week, bylaw enforcement officers posted notices on the door of 1150 Comox Street, a home neighbour...

Renters suffer in Greater Victoria’s hot real estate market

Carla Wilson | Times Colonist Greater Victoria’s hot real estate market is making it tougher for renters to find accommodation in an already chronically tight rental climate. Newlyweds Jordan and Abigail Burkmar of Langford are hunting for a roomier place. “...

'Snob zoning' is keeping Vancouver unaffordable: UBC economist

Jon Woodward, CTV News Rules designed to “preserve the character” of Vancouver neighbourhoods are keeping out working people and effectively subsidizing the owners of multi-million dollar homes, according to a UBC economist. And those zoning rules are encouragin...

Metrotown residents fight to save their homes from demolition

By KELLY SINOSKI, Vancouver Sun Metrotown residents are calling on the city of Burnaby to declare an immediate moratorium on the demolition of rental apartments and to find homes for those who have been evicted, saying the move is creating a “hidden homeless” popula...

Vancouver Housing Report Mostly 'A's, but Look Closer, Critics Say

Absence of detail, too broad a focus among faults found in city’s renter strategy. By Katie Hyslop, Four years into the City of Vancouver's decade-long Housing and Homelessness Strategy, the news it has to report so far is all good. Counting appro...

Vacancy solution for Vancouver? Tear down old rental buildings

More rentals needed: Vancouver's rental market paradox — too many buildings, too few units By Salma Nurmohamed, CBC News In the rules of Vancouver real estate, there's an unofficial 11th commandment when it comes to rental buildings, says analyst David Goodman. ...