Top 10 Questions: Residential Tenancies and COVID-19

We have received many questions over the past few weeks and as more information has become available, we have been able to provide clearer answers. Here are the top 10 questions on residential tenancies and COVID-19. Does my tenant need to pay rent? Yes, tenants m...

COVID-19 and Your Rental Unit: Webinar & Slides

We are in uncertain times and having access to up to date and relevant information is critical in managing your rental housing business. In this webinar Hunter Boucher, Director of Operations presented on the changes that have curred over the past week within the rental h...

Ministerial Order Overview & FAQ’s

A message to all owners and managers of rental housing across BC As our worst fears were realized, wherein the Coronavirus Crisis evolved into the COVID-19 pandemic, our Governments at the federal, provincial and municipal level, heeding t...

Ministerial Order

Today the Honourable Mike Farnworth, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor, issued a ministerial order which puts much of what the Premier, John Horgan, and Housing Minister Selina Robinson announced last Wednesday into legislation. This order is in place as of March 30...

COVID-19 Resources for Landlords and Tenants

The announcement made by Premier John Horgan, Housing Minister Selena Robinson, and MLA Spencer Chandra-Herbert outlined several initiatives and policy changes that will occur to address the unique challenges landlords and tenants are facing in the time of COVID-19. The p...

A COVID-19 Message from LandlordBC

These are challenging times and LandlordBC continues its commitment to advocate on behalf of owners and managers of rental housing to all levels of government while doing our best to help you navigate the myriad of issues that our sector is facing today. We have been c...

RTB Burnaby Office Front Counter Service Closed

The RTB has begun implementing a COVID - 19 response plan. Their goals are to protect the health and safety of Residential Tenancy Branch (RTB) staff and their loved ones, as well as the public, while also doing their best to maintain access to the RTB’s information and d...

We Need a Rent Bank for BC Renters!

Dear Owners and Managers of Rental Housing in BC, We’ve heard from many of you and thank you for your input. We share your many and real concerns for our sector and your ability to continue to deliver long term rental housing for BC families. Faced with the unprecedent...

Small Landlords Cannot Be Forgotten During This Crisis

The vast majority of rental housing providers in BC are small mom and pops.  These are real people providing critical housing and they are potentially facing huge financial consequences during this crisis.  The Government of British Columbia cannot simply ignore these fol...