LandlordBC Supports New Purpose-Built Rental Project

Rezoning 1755 West 14th Avenue/ Purpose-Built Rental Project With the continued chronic low vacancy rates for rental housing in Vancouver, the addition of 116 purpose-built rental units plus, the retention of an existing 134 unit secured rental building, is a welcom...

B.C. guide dog legislation to take effect Monday Jan 18

New rules includes larger fines for refusing service to people with guide dogs By CBC News New legislation will start being enforced on Monday, Jan. 18 to crack down on people with fake guide or service dogs, and protect those with real ones.  The Guide Dog ...

New Online Education from TRAC and the Justice Education Society

For Immediate Release: New Online Education from TRAC and the Justice Education Society January 11, 2016- The Tenant Resource and Advisory Centre (TRAC) and the Justice Education Society are pleased to announce the launch of a new online course for tenants, Rent...

Property assessment rise set to hit Vancouver renters hard

By Jen St. Denis / Business in Vancouver While owners of single-family homes in Vancouver had the most immediate sticker shock from this year’s property value assessments, apartment building values have also increased sharply, and that will likely put even more upwa...

B.C. tenants, landlords face huge fee increases

BY JOHN COLEBOURN, THE PROVINCE   Huge fee increases for both landlords and tenants seeking a dispute resolution through B.C.’s Residential Tenancy Branch (RTB) have been quietly ushered in this month. No one in Rich Coleman’s Ministry Responsible for ...

No let-up seen in US rent hikes this year

Paul Davidson, USA TODAY Apartment dwellers had to shell out sharply higher rents in 2015 and are likely to get socked again this year as a labor shortage prevents construction of new complexes from keeping pace with demand, a report out Monday says. Rents for n...

Can These Micro-Units Fix New York City's Housing Problems?

From: By: Alissa Walker Micro-unit developments—new apartments that are 400 square feet or smaller—are sprouting up all over the country as cities try to cram more housing into their neighborhoods. New York City’s first micro-unit development opened thi...

Happy Holidays From LandlordBC!

We hope you and yours have a wonderful holiday season, and all the best for 2016! LandlordBC Office Holiday Hours:December 24 - January 1: ClosedJanuary 4: Open 8:30 - 4:30  

CFAA comments on CMHC's full Fall 2015 Rental Market Reports

News Release December 17, 2015Vacancy rate increases to 3.3% According to CMHC, the average rental vacancy rate in major centres across Canada increased from 2.8% in October 2014 to 3.3% in October 2015. Larger increases in the vacancy rate took place in Alberta and ...

Old Condo Buyouts

Via Global News Sun, Dec 13: It’s another sign of the red hot Vancouver real estate market. A developer offered to purchase the condos in an older building for double the assessed value. As John Hua explains, it comes as the province prepares to finalize legisl...