City sings two tunes on CACs and housing affordability

By Peter Mitham, Business In Vancouver Improvement without impact One of the hazards of being a writer is a tendency to parse other people’s communications too closely; for instance, the latest reports from Vancouver regarding community amenity contributions (CA...

Tower planned for Victoria motel site near legislature

A prominent Victoria site where rot has set in at a long-vacant motel is on the cusp of getting new life as a seniors’ housing centre with shops on the ground floor. The 15-storey seniors’ housing project is proposed for a site occupied by the boarded-up Crystal Cou...

Capital Regional District rejects affordable-housing proposal

By Bill Cleverley / Times Colonist Subsidizing rents in a converted motel on Douglas Street does not translate into new affordable housing, Capital Regional District directors have decided. Despite being recommended for approval by CRD staff and the Regional Hou...

Food Scraps Recycling Regulation Update

You are receiving this email as you are on a database of those interested in updates on the region’s Organics Disposal Ban, the regulation to keep food scraps out of the garbage. Please share this memo with any association members, staff, coworkers, and others. We a...

Calling all Surrey Landlords!

Landlord BC has partnered with the City of Surrey,  Surrey Poverty Reduction Coalition and attendees will hear from such organizations as the Surrey Housing Collaborative, Fraser Health, Fortis BC and BC Hydro on free incentive programs that can help you upgrade your re...

CFAA News Release

CFAA supports FCM, but notes rental housing is not just good for low-income people. Click here for the full news release.