City of Victoria Rental Property Standards of Maintenance Bylaw

As part of the City’s efforts to improve rental housing and support for renters, a new bylaw has been approved to support a minimum standard of rental housing in Victoria and will come into effect on January 31, 2021. The new bylaw includes standards to ensure the quality...

BC Building Code Accessibility Handbook 2020 – Now Available

Creating accessible homes is an important part of the BC Building Code as it ensures that buildings are designed in a way that allows all people to not only enter and exit but also move safely throughout. The Building Accessibility Handbook 2020 is now available and re...

I Rent It Right™ – Helping You Succeed as a Landlord

Education is a fundamental necessity for success and operating in the rental housing industry is no exception. As a landlord, you must strike a balance between your rights and responsibilities and your tenant’s rights and responsibilities as dictated by the multiple piece...

Strength in Advocacy Comes From Your Membership

The socioeconomic catastrophe created by COVID-19 has put more regulatory pressure than ever on residential landlords in British Columbia.  Residential landlords are an integral part of our economy, and Canadians will rely on them moving forward for the economic activity ...