LandlordBC Is Leading The Way On The New Rental Housing Task Force

On Tuesday April 10th, B.C. Premier John Horgan announced the formation of a new task force to look at rental housing.  The task force will be chaired by Vancouver-West End MLA Spencer Chandra Herbert. The task force also includes Green Party MLA Adam Olsen and the NDP’s ...

Advocacy Is Job One!

LandlordBC’s mandate is to support a balanced and healthy rental housing market with an emphasis on private sector solutions. The rental housing industry contributes over $10.6 billion to the BC economy, which is greater than forestry and mining combined.  It is critical ...

Bed Bugs: What are a landlord’s responsibilities?

Bed bugs. Those two words are enough to make many people’s skin crawl. These little parasitic insects are a common problem in cities around the world and British Columbia is no exception. There was a time when bed bugs were virtually eradicated in the developed world, how...

A Rent Freeze Is Not The Solution

We are no doubt living in some extremely challenging times in BC and for anyone trying to find suitable housing, whether they are a renter or a prospective first-time home buyer, it can be a frustrating exercise.  As the industry association representing owners and manage...

4 Benefits of switching to landlord insurance today

Landlord insurance policies are built broader, bigger, and more effective. If you haven’t yet switched to landlord insurance, read on for 4 benefits of switching today. There are substantial differences in coverage across different types of insurance policies, and the ...

British Columbia Budget 2018

On Tuesday February 20, 2018 the Honourable Carole James, Minister of Finance and Deputy Premier presented the NDP government’s first budget since coming into power July 2017. This follows her September 2017 budget update. Titled “Delivering Dividends of a Strong Econo...

Tenant Screening: Exercise Due Diligence and Trust your Instincts

Tenant screening and a landlord’s application process are the first steps in deciding to whom you will rent a home. Unfortunately, not all landlords take this step in the vetting process as seriously as they should. This is disappointing because this is where many of the ...

Happy 1st Anniversary to The Landlord Registry™!

Launching a new initiative is never an easy task.  It requires vision, purpose and a knowledgeable and dedicated team to execute the plan.  This is precisely how the Landlord Registry™ came into fruition in January 2017, and today we are proud to celebrate the first anniv...