Election Analysis – Alberta 2015

In an historic election the Alberta New Democratic Party (NDP) won a majority government resoundingly defeating the incumbent Progressive Conservatives (PCs) ending their 44-year reign. NDP Leader Rachel Notley is Alberta’s new Premier-elect. Wildrose leader Brian Jean ...

Introducing Rainwater Rewards

Media Release Date:  Friday, May 1, 2015 For Immediate Release VICTORIA, BC —  Rain gardens, rain barrels, cisterns, green roofs and permeable paving are examples of rainwater management methods that could qualify property owners for financial incentives under ...

Mayor’s Task Force on Housing Affordability Announced

Media Release Date: Thursday, April 30, 2015 For Immediate Release VICTORIA, BC — “Making Victoria More Affordable” is a key objective in the City’s new strategic plan for focus and investment over the next four years. City Council has created the Mayor’s Ta...

LandlordBC Says Yes to the Proposed New Transit Tax

Press Release (Vancouver, BC) – LandLordBC today announced support for the Metro Vancouver Congestion Improvement Tax being proposed by the Metro Vancouver Council of Mayors to fund transit and transportation improvements across the region. Metro Vancouverites ...

Young — and old — driving resurgence of rental

Condo developers rethinking sites once planned for condosBy: Susan Pigg, Business Reporter The condo sales office had barely opened and demand was expected to be strong for suites in The Selby, a 49-storey tower right on the subway line at Sherbourne and Bloor. ...

Marine Gardens tenant relocation is most expensive of its kind

a challenge for city of Vancouver and developerBy Jeff Lee, The Vancouver Sun VANCOUVER - A near-zero vacancy rate, the loss of 70 ground-oriented family homes and a proposed massive redevelopment in Vancouver’s fast-densifying Cambie Corridor have created a major h...

LandlordBC CEO Reacts To Vancouver Sun Article

This letter was written in response to the article 'Vancouver lagging behind nation's rental property boom' written by Barbara Yaffe for the Vancouver Sun on January 12th, 2015. Dear Ms. Yaffe, My name is David Hutniak, CEO, LandlordBC.  LandlordBC is the larges...