Province Announces Next Steps to Support Renters, Landlords

In recent weeks LandlordBC had aggressively advocated for the reopening of our sector, and we are pleased that with today’s announcement the Province recognized the importance of ensuring rental housing providers were included in its “re-start” plans. An important aspect ...

The State of Emergency Must End Now for Rental Housing Providers

On May 27, 2020, the Premier of British Columbia unsurprisingly announced the extension of the State of Emergency for another two weeks through June 9th (note: the State of Emergency was again extended June 10th through June 23rd). However, what was surprising was that de...

Ending Tenancy Due to Household Violence

In March of 2019, Green Party Leader Andrew Weaver introduced Bill M206. The bill, an amendment to the Residential Tenancy Act, was aimed at strengthening the rights of individuals fleeing household violence and received support of the government and received Royal Assent...

How Will B.C. Moving Into Phase 2 Impact Your Rentals

The government’s recent announcement regarding the gradual and careful reopening of British Columbia’s economy has raised questions for rental housing providers and tenants alike. As always, we take our lead from Mike Farnworth, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor Gen...

It is Going to Take Time to Get Past This Crisis

As a clearer picture of the economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis begins to emerge, it is evident that the weight of the crisis will be felt broadly across the economy, with many sectors experiencing devasting results. Unemployment has already reached levels never witnes...

Communication is Key – Talking to Your Tenants About COVID-19

Following the March 19th, 2020 announcement that British Columbia was entering a State of Emergency due to the ongoing COVID-19 Crisis, legislative changes, as well as federal and provincial government support programs were rolled out to assist people facing...