It is Going to Take Time to Get Past This Crisis

As a clearer picture of the economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis begins to emerge, it is evident that the weight of the crisis will be felt broadly across the economy, with many sectors experiencing devasting results. Unemployment has already reached levels never witnes...

Communication is Key – Talking to Your Tenants About COVID-19

Following the March 19th, 2020 announcement that British Columbia was entering a State of Emergency due to the ongoing COVID-19 Crisis, legislative changes, as well as federal and provincial government support programs were rolled out to assist people facing...

Now is the Time for Action!

Join as a Member with LandlordBC Today. LandlordBC has been working tirelessly to deliver information to owners and managers of rental housing to support and guide you and your business through the COVID-19 crisis. Whether it be to inform you on ways to adapt your busi...

The BC Temporary Rental Supplement: Top 5 Questions

The BC Temporary Rental Supplement (BC-TRS) was launched earlier this month. The program is administered by BC Housing and they have also provided several robust resources including Landlord and Tenant factsheets. We have received many questions on this new supplement and...

Applications Are Now Open for the Temporary Rental Supplement

Renters who are experiencing a loss of income during the COVID-19 pandemic can now apply for the Province’s new temporary rental supplement.  More information on this program, including eligibility criteria and how to apply, can be found on the BC Housing website here. ...

COVID-19: Economic Perspective

By Benjamin Tal, Deputy Chief Economist, CIBC Capital Markets The following comments provide a summary of our current observations and working assumptions regarding the economic impact of COVID-19. COVID-19: The Immediate Future We are now where Italy was a month a...

Know Where Your COVID-19 Rental Housing Information Is Coming From

In this time of crisis, we want to ensure that social media users are not confused by the source of any content related to COVID-19 and residential tenancies.  If you see content posted on any social media platform that explicitly indicates the source as LandlordBC™, you ...

Media Release: Quarantine Conflict Resolution Service

Sheltering in Place Can Lead to Neighbour and Roommate Conflicts New Quarantine Conflict Resolution Service (QCRS) offers services to help with COVID-19 conflict FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE VANCOUVER, APRIL 8, 2020 With BC residents sheltering in place, new challenges a...