Landlord Registry™ from LandlordBC wins national award

LandlordBC has won the Association Achievement of the Year Award for its Landlord Registry™ presented at the Canadian Federation of Apartment Associations (CFAA) annual awards yesterday. The Landlord Registry™ is a quality assurance initiative geared towards improving the...

Membership Matters

To join right now click here! Congratulations, you’re a landlord! With the purchase of your rental property, an investment condo, mortgage helper, or a multiunit residential building, you are now responsible for the well-being of your new property and tenants. Another wa...

Guest Blog: Buying a condo– and inheriting a tenant

By Oscar Miklos Are you buying a condo, where a tenant currently resides? Residential tenancies are ongoing and often long-term relationships between a landlord and their tenant. So, what happens when a new owner comes in? Upon purchasing a property, the rule of thu...

Addressing the Housing Needs of British Columbians

B.C. residents say that affordable housing is the top election issue according to several polls.  All three major political parties have said that they have plans to increase the supply of affordable homes. Also, stakeholder groups like the BC Rental Housing Coalition, Th...

Happy Earth Day!

April 22nd, 2017 is Earth Day. It’s hard to believe that the very first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970. I was in high school and had long, dark hair, basically slept in my faded skinny jeans and, wore red Adidas Gazelle sneakers. I know what you’re thinking. Man was he ...

Guest Blog: Why We Enrolled in the Landlord Registry™️

Blog originally posted here via Hollyburn Properties LandlordBC, the association that represents owners and managers of rental housing in British Columbia, recently launched a new quality assurance program called the Landlord Registry™️. This online database is designe...

Proper Notice of Entry

This is the time of year when landlords assess their building maintenance and any repairs that might be necessary after the winter. Whether your rental unit is in a multi-unit residential building or a single-family dwelling, a key aspect of this assessment is inspecting ...

What Do Landlord Associations Actually Do for You?

Guest post written by LandlordBC partner Pendo Full disclosure before we dive in: at Pendo, we think landlord associations are important. For one thing, they share our mission – to create happy coexistence between you and your tenants, and to help you turn your prop...